My parents came to support, they were so proud. My mother actually shed a few tears... :)
We were pretty pumped about our shirts!!!
We were pretty pumped about our shirts!!!
This guy was at mile 8 holding this sign, it made me laugh..hopefully it was a joke though..can you imagine???
This is the scenery of our run! It was BEAUTIFUL!!! Although I will say, I am excited to do a run in a city...I got a little bored of the horses and cows by mile 9.
Well, girls I did it. I am so happy it is over. It was months of training and anticipation and it was all over in 2 hours and 13 minutes. I will say that I am proud of myself..without being boastful..I mean, my time was good for me (the fastest guy did it in 1 hour and 5 minutes...REALLY?!!!- that means 5 minute miles the whole time..I seriously don't know how that is even possible ) I was expecting it to take longer, but I was able to stay on my pace the whole time and even though I felt like I was dying and swore during mile 11 that this was the stupidest thing I had ever done and that I would never, EVER do it again... I am already getting ready to sign up for half marathon #2 ( I think in Chicago on August 2nd...Kirra DO IT WITH ME!!!!) It's true what they kinda get a little "marathon bug" and I have got it now. So we'll see, I am by no means out to improve my time by tons, but I wouldn't mind shaving a couple minutes off each time I do one and I mostly just like the way you feel after you accomplish something like that. I can say this, I WILL NEVER EVER DO A FULL MARATHON. I honestly don't think my knees could take it and I can't even imagine running for over 4 hours!