Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Name Game...

Ok, so I know that our boys have different names. For some reason I am just drawn to names that I haven't heard often, or at all for that matter. Taeden started off as Kaden, but Brandon and I wanted something a little more original so we just stuck a T on it. Thankfully, it is still an easy name, and I don't think it has ever been mispronounced. Then comes our second child...not really the same story, as his name is mispronounced almost everyday. That is the reason for this post, in fact, so that at least those who read this, will know how to say his name :)

Most have the tendancy to call him Ma-cay-len, which to me sounds a little girly, so I just want to correct it for his manlihood's sake.:) We actually wanted to incorporate the name Alan into his name because that is Brandon's dads middle name, so therefore we came up with Macalan. So it is actually pronounced with Alan at the end, rather than Aylen ..its hard even to explain it in writing, but hopefully, this will clear up a little confusion. I knew that giving him a name like this would mean that he would be correcting people for the rest of his life...but I have a feeling he'll be just fine...I mean, he is pretty stinkin cute!


Kirra said...

aw man! i totally am who you are talking about in this post! i'm so sorry! mac "alan!" i won't forget, i promise, i will say it correctly from this time forth! he is such a stinkin cutie pie!

The Somerville Four said...

I am SO glad you posted this! I have always wondered how to pronounce your sweet boy's name. And now I know!