Friday, March 19, 2010

Spring...for a minute.

We have experienced unusually warm weather these past few days and I couldn't be happier! We have been soaking in as much outside time as we can and have loved letting the boys run around outside and get their energy out. It is supposed to come to an end this weekend as we are supposed to get SNOW...yep that's right. I am not really excited about that but I am hoping it will be our last snow of the year...we shall see!
We are headed to Indiana on Sat., staying until Tuesday, as Brandon is going to New York for work, and I am excited about seeing my sis and her family and hopefully seeing some friends while I am there too!
Had a doctor's apt yesterday and made our ultrasound apt. to find out the sex of the baby (april 22!!!) I of course am kind of dying for a girl but am pretty sure its going to be a boy. Either way I am excited to see the little bug in 3-D and make sure everything is good.
We are working on summer plans and it is so hard to go from Brandon having the whole summer off to now having 3 weeks for the whole year! We are trying to fit lots in this summer with trips to LA to see friends, up North to see my parents and hopefully some of my dad's family and also sqeeze in a little trip for Brandon and I to get away for our 5th anniversary before this baby comes and life gets a little crazier!


Kirra said...

Isn't this weather awesome! I'm in denial that it's supposed to snow Sunday. Total denial. So glad the boys have been able to get out and play! I hope I see you soon! Have fun in Indy and give your sis a hug for me! Also- FIVE YEARS?!!! Holy cow sometimes I forget how long you guys have been married. That is so awesome! I love it! Let me know if you want me to watch your punks for you while you go on that vacay. They might like it downtown- it's noisy and there's lots to look at. :)

Stephen and Tiffany Seston said...

Okay, I really think you're having a girl. I truly do. You know you ARE coming here and you ARE staying with us. You have NO other option. Tell us dates so we can make sure to invite everyone over!!! Pool party?!? Oh my goodness we miss you guys too much!
Love you! (Also, Katie Jackson is having a boy!--That means you are having a girl I decided.)

Delgrande Designs said...

Hi Caitlin,

My name's Beth .
I eagerly await being formally intro.'d to you when you all make your way to Auburn this summer .

I feel like I already know you.


jorden9879 said...

I love that first picture it is like Praise the Lord for the sun. I hear you! I forgot you were prego with baby #3, how exciting. You are going to have your hands full!!! Fun that you will know the sex in less then a month. And yes you better get that 5 year anniversary trip in before the baby comes!