Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I Am Thankful...

Today I am thankful for hand-me-downs. I have a friend who gives me EVERYTHING her cute son grows out of from all of his clothes (she dresses him super cute..which is a bonus :), to his little toddler bed (also REALLY cute), to the toys that he has outgrown in the past three years (swing, excersaucer, and much more). This has been such a blessing for our family. Literally every time I think to myself that Taeden needs more of a particular clothing item, Jen calls my sister and has ANOTHER bag of cute clothes for us. Today we got a bag full of long sleeve shirts, which couldn't have come at a more perfect time because A. it just started getting cold here in So. Cal. and B. Taeden has about two long sleeve shirts...not anymore! So thanks, Jen, I am not sure if you even read this blog of mine, but I am just so overwhelmed at how the Lord provides THROUGH YOU and your sweet family I had to let people know!!

I am also thankful that we are surrounded by such sweet and thoughtful people at Brandon's school. One of the teachers, also a friend, came by the other day and took the CUTEST pictures of Macalan and spent a lot of time out of her busy schedule to do it. The pictures came out amazing...(they are the ones posted above...see,... amazing!) Also, every week Brandon comes home with coupons that people have cut out for us for diapers. This just strikes me as very thoughtful as it shows that people are thinking of us throughout their busy days. And I love it, because having two kids in diapers is definitely NOT cheap. :) We also have people who we know will watch our kids for us, that we completely trust, which is awesome. Although I must say, I don't know what I would have done without my sister during these past two years. She is truly the most easy going, kind person I know and is so so generous with her time. She has watched my kids, mostly Taeden, so many times and I know I can always count on her. I have been especially thankful for her the past two months as she has had Taeden A LOT because of all the hospital visits and doctors apts. So thanks, Ker, I don't know what I would do without you...seriously, I really don't you can't move in May!! :) Your the best sister and I love you!!
We have also been blessed by prayer. I know that our family has been surrounded by it for the past two months, since Macalans birth, and we are so grateful. We have felt incredibly loved! So thank you, all of you who have shown us such great love...we are beyond blessed!

1 comment:

Molly said...

Caitlin...I saw your mom the other day and she showed me how to get to your blog. I love it. Your boys are so cute, and I will be praying for your family. Hope you have a Merry Christmas.