Monday, January 5, 2009

Merry Christmas..a bit late :)

Well, I obviously fell off the blogging wagon over the well as they "eating good" wagon and also the workout wagon:)...thank goodness for a new year and new goals! :) We travelled to Chicago to visit with Brandon's family for 10 days over Christmas. I can honestly say I was excited about having a white christmas and to experience some true cold weather (here in LA we bust out the scarves and uggs when it goes below 70 degrees so when we got to chicago and it was -8 degrees, we were in for it)! We had a great time with Brandon's family while we were there, Taeden loved playing with his cousins and it is always good to spend time with family out there, because we only see them about twice a year. Brandon surprised me with an amazing camera for christmas which i am still learning how to use...I think i need to take a class (yep, its that complex). We got home from Chicago just in time for the new year and have had a few days to recouperate before life gets crazy again. It was so wonderful to have Brandon off work for two weeks, I was so sad to send him off to work this morning...he is such a help with the kids and is always willing to take them both for me when he knows I need a break! I am so lucky to have him! I will post some pics as soon as I figure out how to with my new snazzy cam!

1 comment:

Happy Hollie said...

Love it all the pictures too!