Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I Am Still Alive...

After the race, I can't believe I am smiling, cause I really felt like I was on the verge of death
My parents came to support, they were so proud. My mother actually shed a few tears... :)

We were pretty pumped about our shirts!!!

This guy was at mile 8 holding this sign, it made me laugh..hopefully it was a joke though..can you imagine???

This is the scenery of our run! It was BEAUTIFUL!!! Although I will say, I am excited to do a run in a city...I got a little bored of the horses and cows by mile 9.

Well, girls I did it. I am so happy it is over. It was months of training and anticipation and it was all over in 2 hours and 13 minutes. I will say that I am proud of myself..without being boastful..I mean, my time was good for me (the fastest guy did it in 1 hour and 5 minutes...REALLY?!!!- that means 5 minute miles the whole time..I seriously don't know how that is even possible ) I was expecting it to take longer, but I was able to stay on my pace the whole time and even though I felt like I was dying and swore during mile 11 that this was the stupidest thing I had ever done and that I would never, EVER do it again... I am already getting ready to sign up for half marathon #2 ( I think in Chicago on August 2nd...Kirra DO IT WITH ME!!!!) It's true what they kinda get a little "marathon bug" and I have got it now. So we'll see, I am by no means out to improve my time by tons, but I wouldn't mind shaving a couple minutes off each time I do one and I mostly just like the way you feel after you accomplish something like that. I can say this, I WILL NEVER EVER DO A FULL MARATHON. I honestly don't think my knees could take it and I can't even imagine running for over 4 hours!


Jenny M. said...

Way to go girl!! You're totally inspiring me, I can't wait to run again!!

Beth said...

GREAT JOB! I am training for the half marathon in San Fransisco on November 1...wanna join me??

Kirra said...

Okay I am SO impressed! Way to go girl!!!!! You look so great! I would love to run the race with you in Chicago but when is it? I have NOT run in like a month! So I would need to get my butt in gear and make sure that my knee doesn't give me any trouble. Maybe I'll just call you about it instead of writing you a novel!

The Parsons' blog said...

Hello!!! You did so GREAT!!! I totally want to run one. They have one here in Friday Harbor June 7th I think, but I'm not sure I'll be ready by then ;) Awesome job!

Joe, Erin, Drew, and Drake said...

Hey! Okay maybe I could come run it with you in Chicago!! Only I would have to kick it into gear, I am not in shape to run 13 miles...wait I am not even in shape to run 5, but I would work at it if you and Kirra are doing it!?

Jamie said...

I love that the 3 of you girls (you, kirra and erin) may run the chicago marathon together. So inspiring!! Good luck to you girls if you decide to go for it! AND awesome job running it already!! I was driving thru SB the day you ran and thought of you.

jorden9879 said...

THat is amazing, truely! I am so impressed. I love that your mom shed a fear tears, guess once a mom always a mom. What a beautiful picture of where you ran and I must say you look pretty darn good for just running some insane amount of miles. Way to go!